Tuesday 5 July 2011

One of my most recent shoot with my little angel.

(my punctuation is really horrible..so don't make fun) I was born and raised in Newfoundland. A lot of images that you see of Newfoundlanders show the struggles that people had to get by. ..you baked your own bread, washed your clothes by hand, cooked a good jiggs dinner, made from the veggies that you dug yourself from your back garden, and had the left overs the next day. All the same this made people appreciate what they got when they did get it. Everybody helped everybody. Not to get something in return, just to help someone out. Over the years this way of life has slowly disappeared..Yes of course more than your handful of Newfoundlanders still grow there own vegetables and cook jigs dinner every Sunday and have left overs on Monday...but it's not appreciated like it was years ago. So lately I have been trying to think of some stuff that would remind people of the good old Newfoundland way of life..This is what I came up with..

I guess I'm going to start this....

I was really hesitant about writing a blog but anyone can have a blog right? First of all I want to clarify that I don't consider myself a professional photographer by no means..advanced hobbiest I like to call myself. No actually I'm a medical secretary...lol. Not that I wouldn't want to be a photographer for a living. I'm explaining all of this because some of the "real" photographers who put a lot of hard work into their business are not really fond of some random person who buys a DSLR camera and takes a few pictures a photographer..a quote that I seen somewhere "A person who buys a Canon SLR is not a photographer they are a Canon owner" Well said. I just wanted to start this so that I can post some of my pictures on here. I have become very proud of my work and a proud mommy of a beautiful daugher..Warning I take an abundance of pictures of my own little beauty. I am also very impressed that out of the 262 fans that I have on my facebook page over 140 of them I don't even know personally.. I guess it goes to show that someone likes my work. Anyway ENJOY!!!